Sunday, May 21, 2017

An Humble Response to Frankie Gaffney's Identity Politics Article About Straight White Males

Earlier this month Frankie Gaffney wrote an article about the harrowing difficulties of being a straight, white male. Granted, he doesn't live in America where we're still dealing with the repercussions of being a society founded on the backs of slavery and racism. Nor is he a gay man in Chechnya. Nor is a woman in the Middle East. However, he still felt compelled to write on the social injustice he faces as a cis-gendered white male. The original article is here:

He originally titled the article "Equating Straight White Men with Privilege is Idiocy."

It looks like he has since changed his prickish title to a milder, longer -

"Identity Politics is Utterly Ineffective at Anything Other Than Dividing People."

A friend of mine posted this on Facebook and here's my response.

Okay, I finally have time to re-read and compose a semi-articulate response to this article.

First of all let me qualify myself here by saying I am a queer, white girl that grew up in a trailer park on food stamps after being removed from my zealous Southern Baptist abusive parents. However, I can still recognize I’m privileged.

Saying your experience as a white person, straight person, male or a combination of all three isn’t saying you’re automatically a 1% living a life of wealth and happiness. It’s saying that if you have one of these traits and especially a combination of the three you’re not going to face in general the social prejudice and snares that a person that is not straight, white, male or a combination (lawd) of all three.

I am queer. I am white. But I can acknowledge that I have privilege as a white person and a straight passing person. Surely, you know that people who are not white, not straight and not male face prejudice and harassment all of their lives. Surely you can acknowledge that.

I take issue with the article right away and I’ll start with the title.

“Equating straight white men with privilege is idiocy.”

Oh, idiocy is it? Only a person of privilege so convinced in the superiority of their opinion would instantly call anyone who takes issue with his feeble opinion “an idiot.” Which the author does straight out the gate so pardon me but --- fuck him.

Then we’re instantly hit with this garbage -

“But people who talk a lot about “choice” and “freedom” chose for me, and decided that’s what my identity should be reduced to.”

I’m sorry. Mother fucker you did not. Choice? No. Look at the work LGBTQ activist are doing within their community. Look at what gay men are dying for in Chechnya. This asshole clearly hasn’t been paying attention. We’ve been advocating that being LGBTQ isn’t a choice. It’s something you’re born with and therefore you shouldn’t be penalized within society. But up to a few years ago LGBTQ couldn’t even marry members of the same sex and it’s still legally acceptable in many cases in America to discriminate against them and not hire them.

Was redlining not a thing? Is gentrification not a thing? Are there laws allowing people to not hire people if they’re not straight? Last I checked that wasn’t a thing. Gay people are dying all over the world but let’s carry on with this dude’s hurt feeling acting like he’s been victimized by actual oppressed peoples of the world that are --- did I mention --- dying.

The author claims -

“The further irony is the most patronising people I’ve ever encountered are the people who explain to me why it’s fine to use words and phrases such as “mansplain….”

Okay? This isn’t fact. This is a blatantly bias experience. Further undermined when he says -

“If the CIA or MI5 wanted to encourage a style of “activism” that could consume an infinite amount of energy, yet was utterly ineffective at anything other than dividing people, it would be the prominence of this very type of politics.”

On what planet is that not self-superior and and patronizing as fuck? This guy is tone DEAF. Tone deaf I yell in a vain hope this dude will ever recognize his own blatant hypocrisy. He doesn’t want people to stop talking identity politics. This entire article is participating in the discourse. He just wants the discourse to happen on his terms. HMM - why oh why could it be that people have started to pinpoint cis-gendered white male fragility as we begin to pursue social justice for the minorities in our society? HMM. Ironic indeed.

“These people don’t want to separate church and state, they want to institute a new religion, just with themselves at the helm.”

Oh the laughable fucking hypocrisy. Nope. that’s not what feminist or black people or gay people want. NOPE. They just want to not face discrimination and have equal opportunities in a world where the majority of leaders taking away our food, clean water, reproductive rights and creating privatised prisons are white males.

“Later on that same day my mate Eric from Tallaght shared a video on Facebook of a woman assaulting a white fellow because he had dreadlocks. This woman has many defenders, who will explain at great length the evils of “cultural appropriation”. “F***in’ eejit” was Eric’s view of her, and I’m inclined to agree.”

Dude has totally mistaken the discussion on cultural appropriation for whatever this bullshit point about cisgendered white males is. He’s so far off the mark. He finishes by wondering ---

“I wonder if the people who spend their “activism” on these issues ever went hungry, ever worried where they were going to live or had their electricity cut off.”

The answer is yes. And you just solidified the problem with you and your ilk. You continue your superiority within society by acting victimized again and again and again and then conjecturing the idiocy and privilege of others you disagree with. THE VERY THING YOU'RE CLAIMING TO DESPISE. When people in Flint (whose population is mostly black) don’t have clean water. When gays in Chechnya are dying. When women in the Middle East are being stoned to death. This guy is grotesque. You wonder if people have had their electricity cut off? I wonder something. I wonder if the author is as fucking stupid, ignorant and self absorbed as he sounds.

As I said in the beginning. I’m smart enough to realize that having privilege as a white person doesn’t mean I’m licking from a silver spoon. If this guy wants to do good in a realm he claims irks him he needs to recognize his privilege triple times over and then grow a pair and get his hands dirty. As it stands this jerk is vile.

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