Sunday, February 28, 2016

Vegan Boxed Mac and Cheese


Hello, lovely people.

This past week I vlogged about Vegan boxed mac and cheese brands.  That's right, I took one for the team and gained a pound or two stuffing my face with some of the most delicious mac and cheese brands on the market for Vegans!  Huzzah!

Check out the video and let me know what you think in the comments below!

FYI - Boxed foods aren't the most healthy but if you're just transitioning to vegan and looking for those comfort food you know and love from your "former life" or if you're just lactose and tolerant looking for something delectable that are easy to make - here ya' go!

Spoiler alert:  the Daiya Cheezy Mac was my favorite.  My waste line is a little sad I know about it but the others were so good in their own way - check it out!

Monday, February 1, 2016

How to Humiliate Yourself at the Gym


That was intro music... kind of.  So, I decided to a video about ways I have utterly embarrassed myself at the gym.  I hope this encourages you to keep on, keepin' on out there ladies and gents.  If it gets a giggle out of you at least that would be fantastic.

I am busier than ever than ever going to school full-time, working and traveling but producing content keeps a smile on my face (especially if I can put one on yours.)  Happy Monday!

